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Suzhou TECON Construction Technology Co., Ltd
Suzhou TECON Construction Technology Co., Ltd

Learn For A Better Team

To strengthen the collective consciousness and interpersonal influence of employees, the manager of Tecon organized a training.

Learn For A Better Team

Learn For A Better Team

Learn For A Better Team

Learn For A Better Team


It's an opportunity for all members of Tecon to improve themself, and such experience will benefit them both now and in the future. It helps Tecon employees understand their shortcomings in interpersonal communication and work through sharing and games.

The training let everyone deeply realize the importance of constructing and managing communication skills.

A team is not just a group of people working together. And it is an organization of people with complementary skills who have the same goals and the courage to take responsibility. It has strong cohesion, and this force will create a harmonious and friendly working environment, to drive the company. The team would fall apart if it lost cohesiveness and common purpose. Therefore, to consolidate the group's strength, the team leader must set up a clear goal and correct the attitude of each member. In this way, it can make an efficient and powerful one.

In addition to training, there was also a celebration for employees who had been on the job for years. It's worthy of pride to persist in a post and admiration from others simultaneously.

As team members, people need to establish a good work attitude, dedication to work, improve work efficiency, to achieve a win-win situation for enterprise and personal development.


Learn For A Better Team